ABILIFY ASIMTUFII® (aripiprazole) Treatment

Find your pharmacy network

Pressing needs can sometimes arise during treatment. Otsuka formed the Integrated Pharmacy Network (IPN) to help ensure that you have the support you need, when you need it. The IPN connects patients, care partners, and their healthcare team with carefully chosen retail and specialty pharmacies that have experience navigating the healthcare system.

Find an IPN pharmacy to help answer any questions about insurance, treatment, or other concerns.

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Find your Local Care Center

Your healthcare provider may give you your ABILIFY ASIMTUFII injection, or you can receive it at a Local Care Center (LCC), giving you more options to choose the treatment location that works best for you. LCCs may be retail pharmacies, urgent care clinics, or infusion centers in your neighborhood that offer convenient locations and flexible times.

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