Provider Resources about REXULTI® (brexpiprazole)

Medicare financial assistance

There are also multiple support options through Medicare. Below is a list of government resources that can provide financial assistance to your patients and caregivers.

SHIP Locator  
The State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP) provide local, in-depth, and objective insurance counseling and assistance to Medicare-eligible individuals, their families, and caregivers. State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs  
Find out if your state has a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program for financial support for prescription drugs. “What’s Covered” App  
The "What's Covered" app delivers accurate cost and coverage information right to a smartphone for a quick and handy reference. Savings Programs  
Also known as the Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) program, this program assists patients who have limited resources and income. Extra Help (Part D)  
These plans help patients with limited income and resources pay their Medicare prescription drug program costs, like premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance.

Medicare State Health Insurance Assistance Programs  
These programs educate and assist Medicare-eligible patients, their families, and caregivers through outreach and counseling, and by providing access to care and benefits.

Treatment support

Once you prescribe REXULTI for your patients, they can enroll in the Patient Experience Liaison (PEL) program. A PEL is a patient support representative who can speak directly to your patient or caregiver. In addition to reimbursement and access support, PELs are there to provide personalized support for your patients and care partners.

PEL Enrollment Form 
Give this form to your patients so they can enroll in the program.

Financial support resources

For patients and caregivers who need additional support paying for their treatment, Otsuka is here to help.

Prescription Savings Card
The Prescription Savings Card helps commercially insured eligible* patients save on their prescribed treatment costs.

GoodRx Prescription Support
Otsuka has collaborated with GoodRx to give patients more savings on their prescriptions.

*For eligible commercial patients who are prescribed REXULTI. Benefits apply to copays, coinsurance, and pharmacy deductibles. Up to $5,800 applied to your patient's annual deductible with up to 12 uses.

Patient assistance

Otsuka Patient Assistance Foundation (OPAF)
OPAF is a nonprofit organization that assists underinsured and uninsured patients who have been prescribed Otsuka medications. There are specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet prior to their approval for assistance. It's important to note that Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. does not control or influence how OPAF distributes funds.

Community connections and support resources

Otsuka is here to support your patients. View available resources that can help connect your patients with communities, patient advocacy groups, research organizations, and support programs.